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Webinar 7

Unfolding the secrets of Treponema pallidum

January 26, 2022 

Welcome adress: Claudia Heller-Vitouch (IUSTI-Europe Reginal Director)
Closing remarks: Derek Freedman, George-Sorin Tiplica


  • Lorenzo Giacani (USA): Deriving an Attenuated Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum Strain Through Genetic Engineering
  • Helene Zondag (NL): Molecular typing of Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum
  • Raj Patel (UK): PCR – the move away from DFM
  • Stefano Ramoni (IT): Extragenital syphilitic chancres: not to be forgotten
  • Marco Cusini (IT): Therapy of syphilis: penicillin, penicillin and p


GiacaniLorenzo Giacani



ZondagHelene Zondag



ZondagRaj Patel



RamoniStefano Ramoni



CusiniMarco Cusini